Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Post One--- Introduction

Technology has been a part of my life since I first started school at St. Matthew Catholic School. It started out with Oregon Trail Day, although I still don't know the purpose of those days. Now, I couldn't go on a day without a computer, cell phone, or many of the other forms of technology I don't even think about. I'm careful not to get trapped into the all-too-easy types of technology that make me feel helpless without it, such as the Global Positioning System. There's going to be a day where every car will have it and people will depend on it like it's water.

In this class, I hope to learn how to use technology to make my life easier in the workplace, and in life in general. I want to be able to communicate with people more easily and clearly. I want my classroom to be as transparent as possible by keeping everyone interested, involved. Having the technology at my fingertips to send mass emails, and to communicate with students, their parents, and coworkers will be a big plus in my career.

In today's class, learning all these new things intrigued me very much. I fell in love with at first sight! It's something that I can use professionally and personally. That's what I love so much about college. As far as my learning style, I know that I learn many different ways. My favorite way of learning is by observation, and naturally, the questionaire proved to be correct. The test also told me that I am a reflective thinker, which I also feel is correct. Because of my reserved personality, I don't like to sound stupid before I ever say anything so I think it through. That's also why I am a sequential learner. Ideas, theories, facts, and problems have to make clear sense and have a personal pattern that I can put to it, to make it understandable. I am a sequential learner. That's nothing too new. I take personality tests regularly on I learn so much about my self. I wish this test was more in depth though. I'd love to learn things about myself that I don't know.